Aging & People with Disabilities
Administrative Entities * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Adult Day Programs
Adult Day Programs
Programs that provide care and supervision in a protective setting for dependent adults living in the community during some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include social and recreational activities, training that is essential for sustaining activities of daily living, hot meals, as appropriate and, if an adult day health care center, health and related services.X
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Search All Areas >Adult In Home Respite Care
Adult In Home Respite Care
Programs that provide a brief period of rest or relief for family members, guardians or others who are regular caregivers for dependent adults by offering temporary or intermittent care for the adult in their own home.X
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Search All Areas >Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Programs that provide a brief period of rest or relief for family members, guardians or others who are regular caregivers for dependent adults by offering temporary or intermittent care for the adult in a community setting/facility.X
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Search All Areas >Adult Out of Home Respite Care * Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Search All Areas >Adult Protective Intervention/Investigation
Adult Protective Intervention/Investigation
Social services programs provided by state and/or local governments that evaluate reports from friends, neighbors or others who are concerned about the welfare of an older adult or person with a disability who may be unable to act on their own behalf, manage their own affairs or are in immediate danger due to physical or emotional abuse, unsafe or hazardous living conditions, exploitation, neglect, self-neglect or abandonment. If the situation meets the criteria for intervention, an APS worker will initiate face-to-face contact with the individual, assess their situation for safety and need for assistance, and determine what services, if any, would be beneficial to maintain his/her well-being and independence. Services may include removal of the individual to safer surroundings, authorization for medical treatment and other available services that may be necessary to remove the conditions which have created a threat. Every state has its own distinct APS system and programs which vary in terms of populations served, services provided and scope of the program; and while APS workers help thousands of vulnerable adults every day, individuals always have the right to decline assistance.X
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Search All Areas >Adult Residential Facility Complaints
Adult Residential Facility Complaints
Programs, usually offered by licensing authorities, that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding the licensing, cleanliness and safety of facilities, treatment of residents, quality of care, excessive fees, unethical or improper conduct of personnel or other inappropriate business practices of group residences for adults with disabilities, assisted living facilities, and senior residential care homes.X
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Search All Areas >Adult Residential Treatment Facilities
Adult Residential Treatment Facilities
Programs that provide a treatment-oriented living experience in a community-based facility for adults who have emotional disturbances and who, because of their disabilities, are unable to succeed in other placements, but who do not require inpatient psychiatric hospitalization. The service is geared to the specific needs of individual residents and their eventual return to the community as soon as their personal and social adjustment and development permit.X
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Search All Areas >Advance Medical Directives
Advance Medical Directives
Programs that provide assistance for people who want to use the tools appropriate in their state to express their wishes regarding future medical treatment should they become incapacitated and/or to name the individual they would like to make health care decisions on their behalf. Included are programs that provide copies of necessary forms as well as those that help people complete them.X
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Search All Areas >Advocacy * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Advocacy * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Age Peer Networking
Age Peer Networking
Programs that link individuals of a particular age group (e.g., youth, adults, older adults) with others of the same age group for the purpose of information sharing and support.X
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Search All Areas >Age Peer Networking * Mental Health Issues
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Search All Areas >Age Peer Networking * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Programs that create a single, coordinated system of information and access for older adults and people with disabilities who are seeking long term support to minimize confusion, enhance individual choice, and support informed decision-making. ADRC centers serve as a single point of entry to public long term support programs and services. They offer information and counseling regarding available long term support options; assist individuals in determining their eligibility for public long term support programs and benefits including level of care determinations for Medicaid nursing facility and home and community-based service waiver programs; provide short-term case management to stabilize long term supports for individuals and their families in times of immediate need; help people plan for their future long term support needs; and provide information about and referral to other programs and benefits (such as health promotion and disease prevention, transportation services, housing and income support programs) that help people remain in the community.X
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Search All Areas >Aging Associations
Aging Associations
Organizations whose members are individuals who work in the aging field who have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests, participating in education and training conferences, interacting with other professionals and taking advantage of other opportunities for personal and professional development. Aging associations may also set standards which relate to the qualifications and performance of members; advocate for the rights of older adults and their caregivers; promote legislation that funds research and services for this population; and provide information for members and the general public.X
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Search All Areas >Aging/Older Adult Support Groups
Aging/Older Adult Support Groups
Mutual support groups whose members are individuals in the later years of their lives. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and allow participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes to solve the problems they have in common and to address the quality of life issues that affect them all.X
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Search All Areas >Air Conditioners * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Air Conditioners * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Area Agencies on Aging
Area Agencies on Aging
Substate organizations authorized under the Older Americans Act of 1965 to develop a comprehensive, coordinated system of community-based services for older adults within their planning and service area. State Units on Aging designate, provide federal and state funding, and monitor operations of AAAs. Eight states and the District of Columbia do not have AAAs and, therefore, serve the roles of both state and area agency. AAA's responsibilities include planning; development of local funding resources; and contracting with local service provider organizations to provide authorized services which include information and referral/assistance, outreach, case/care management, escort, transportation, homemaker/chore, personal care, home repair and rehabilitation, home delivered meals, congregate meals, adult day care, elder abuse prevention, nursing home ombudsman, legal assistance, employment and training, health promotion and disease prevention and senior centers as well as services that support caregivers including respite care, counseling and education programs. AAAs may provide a number of other services in situations where local service provider options are limited.X
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Search All Areas >Assistive Technology Equipment Provision Options * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Assistive Technology Information
Assistive Technology Information
Programs that provide information about cognitive/learning aids, control and signaling aids, daily living aids, hearing augmentation aids, mobility aids, prosthetic/orthotic/seating devices, recreational aids, speech aids, and/or visual/reading aids which enables potential users to evaluate their alternatives and make informed choices.X
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Search All Areas >Benefits and Services Assistance * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Benefits and Services Assistance * Older Adult/Aging Issues
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Search All Areas >Benefits Screening * Disability Benefit Recipients
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Search All Areas >Benefits Screening * Older Adult/Aging Issues
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Search All Areas >Blind Mobility Aids
Blind Mobility Aids
Programs that pay for or provide aids such as long canes, laser canes, compasses and raised maps which facilitate the ability of blind people to move safely and efficiently in the school, home or community environment.X
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Search All Areas >Camps * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Career Counseling * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Career Counseling * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Caregiver Training * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Case/Care Management * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Case/Care Management * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Case/Care Management * Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
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Search All Areas >Case/Care Management * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Case/Care Management * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Case/Care Management * Hard of Hearing
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Search All Areas >Case/Care Management * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Cavity Prevention Measures * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Cavity Prevention Measures * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Certificates/Forms Assistance * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Certificates/Forms Assistance * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Charities/Grantmaking Organizations * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Child Care Provider Training * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Child Guidance * Mental Health Issues
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Search All Areas >Children's In Home Respite Care
Children's In Home Respite Care
Programs that provide a brief period of rest or relief for parents, grandparents, guardians, family members or others who are regular caregivers for dependent children by offering temporary or intermittent care for the child in their own home.X
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Search All Areas >Children's In Home Respite Care * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Children's Out of Home Respite Care
Children's Out of Home Respite Care
Programs that provide a brief period of rest or relief for parents, grandparents, guardians, family members who are regular caregivers for dependent children by offering temporary or intermittent care for the child in a community setting/facility.X
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Search All Areas >Children's Out of Home Respite Care * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Children's Play Groups * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Health care programs that provide multidisciplinary education, training and support regarding recommended therapeutic regimens, medical procedures and self-care for adults, adolescents and/or children who have undergone surgery or who have chronic conditions (such as diabetes, asthma/COPD, kidney disease/ESRD, heart disease/hypertension and AIDS) that require ongoing management, and/or for family members who may be involved in their care or affected by their condition. The objective of these programs is to empower patients to manage their own chronic conditions in partnership with their health care providers. Chronic disease self management assistance may be provided in a variety of settings including classes/workshops, individual counseling sessions and as home-based services, particularly in situations where conditions in the home have an impact on the individual's illness. Chronic diseases are illnesses that are prolonged, do not resolve spontaneously, and are rarely cured completely.X
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Search All Areas >Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Computer Literacy Training Programs * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Cosmetic Dentistry * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Cosmetic Dentistry * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Dental Care Referrals * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Dental Hygiene * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Dental Hygiene * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Dental Prosthodontics * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Dental Prosthodontics * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Dental Restoration * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Dental Restoration * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Detoxification * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Directory Assistance
Directory Assistance
Programs that provide access to residential and business telephone numbers. Included are 411 services and organizations that provide information about residential and business names, addresses and telephone numbers via an Internet website or another information channel.X
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Search All Areas >Disability Associations
Disability Associations
Organizations whose members are individuals who work in the disability field and have affiliated for the purpose of promoting mutual interests, participating in education and training conferences, interacting with other professionals and taking advantage of other opportunities for personal and professional development. Many disability associations also include individuals with disabilities and their families in their membership. Disability associations may also advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and their caregivers; promote legislation that funds research and services for this population; and provide information for members and the general public. Included are associations that focus on a specific disability such as autism or brain injuries; and those that address a broad range of disability issues.X
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Search All Areas >Disability Awareness Training
Disability Awareness Training
Programs that offer workshops, discussion groups, activities and other types of training that sensitize participants to people with disabilities or others with visible differences such as scarring that set them apart from their peers, help them experience what it is like to have a disability, and share techniques for positive communication and interaction with people who have disabilities.X
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Search All Areas >Disability Information and Access Line
Disability Information and Access Line
A national hotline, also known as DIAL, launched by the Department of Health and Human Services in the U.S. to connect people with disabilities to information and services to improve access to COVID-19 vaccines. The hotline helps people with disabilities find vaccination locations in their communities, assists callers with making vaccination appointments, and connects callers to local services – such as accessible transportation – to overcome barriers to vaccination. The hotline also can provide information and resources to answer questions and address concerns about the vaccines and can connect callers to information and services that promote independent living and address fundamental needs, such as food, housing, and transportation. People can call (888) 677-1199 from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET to access assistance. DIAL is operated as a collaboration between a consortium of organizations serving people with disabilities and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), which administers the Eldercare Locator. = DIALX
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Search All Areas >Disability Related Center Based Employment
Disability Related Center Based Employment
Programs that provide opportunities for individuals with disabilities to learn and practice work skills in a separate and supported environment. Participants may be involved in the program on a transitional or ongoing basis, and are paid for their work, generally under a piecework arrangement. The nature of the work and the types of disabilities represented in the workforce vary widely by program and by the area in which the organization is located. Individuals participate in center-based employment for a variety of reasons including severity of disability, need for additional training or experience, need for a protected environment and/or lack of availability of community-based employment.X
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Search All Areas >Disability Related Parenting Programs
Disability Related Parenting Programs
Programs that provide educational and supportive services for parents with disabilities and/or parents of children with disabilities who want to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to be effective in their parenting role.X
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Search All Areas >Disability Related Parenting Programs * Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Search All Areas >Disability Related Parenting Programs * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Disability Related Parenting Programs * Veteran/Military Personnel Issues
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Search All Areas >Disability Related Sports
Disability Related Sports
Programs that provide opportunities for people of all ages with functional or cognitive disabilities to learn, become competitive in and enjoy a wide variety of recreational activities and sports, many of which are played in wheelchairs or have otherwise been modified to accommodate the athletes' disabilities.X
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Search All Areas >Disability Related Transportation
Disability Related Transportation
Programs that provide door-to-door (or curb-to-curb) transportation for purposes of shopping, banking, social events, medical appointments, getting to and from work, and similar activities for people with disabilities who need special accommodations and are unable to utilize other available means of transportation. Also included are programs that provide transportation for youngsters with disabilities who have no other means of accessing necessary specialized services and activities. Some but not all vehicles used for this purpose are equipped with wheelchair lifts.X
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Search All Areas >Disability Related Transportation * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Disability Related Transportation * Veterans
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Search All Areas >Disability Rights Groups
Disability Rights Groups
Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws or other social measures that protect the rights of people who have physical, mental, developmental or learning disabilities and maximize their ability to enjoy the same opportunities, resources and privileges as the mainstream population.X
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Search All Areas >Disability Rights Groups * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Disability Rights Groups * Veterans
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Search All Areas >Disability Savings Accounts
Disability Savings Accounts
Programs that provide opportunities for people with disabilities to establish special accounts where they can save money to pay for education, health care, transportation, housing and other expenses. Individuals can deposit up to $14,000 annually under current gift-tax limitations and accrue as much as $100,000 without risking their eligibility Social Security and other government benefits. People with disabilities can also retain Medicaid coverage no matter how much is deposited.X
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Search All Areas >Discounted Electric Service * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Discounted Electric Service * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Discounted Gas Service * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Discounted Gas Service * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Discounted Heating Fuel * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Discounted Heating Fuel * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Discounted Sewer Service * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Discounted Sewer Service * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Discounted Trash/Recycling Service * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Discounted Water Service * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Discounted Water Service * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Disease/Disability Information
Disease/Disability Information
Programs that provide information about the causes and origins, preventive measures, symptoms, screening/diagnostic procedures, and/or methods of treatment or management including the latest research for specific illnesses or disabling conditions.X
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Search All Areas >Disease/Disability Information * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Domestic Violence Hotlines * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Programs that identify infants, toddlers and in some cases, preschoolers who show evidence of or are at risk for lags in physical development, cognitive development, language and speech development, psychosocial development or self-help skills, and provide or coordinate the delivery of an enrichment program in order to minimize the potential for a developmental delay and to meet their current developmental needs. The program may include early identification activities (child find); a developmental evaluation; a review of family concerns, priorities and resources; meetings with the family to develop an individualized family service plan; service coordination to ensure that the individual and his or her family receive needed services which may include but are not limited to physical therapy, occupational therapy, audiology, health/medical services, nursing services, nutrition services, psychological services including specialized play groups or therapy sessions, counseling, speech and language assistance, special instructional services, transportation, and parenting skills development; and ongoing evaluation of the child's progress and his or her changing enrichment needs. Included are "birth to three" programs and federal, state or local programs that address the needs of slightly older children or children not otherwise eligible for "birth to three" programs.X
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Search All Areas >Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays * African American Community
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Search All Areas >Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities/Delays * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Early Intervention for Mental Illness * Adoption/Foster Care/Kinship Care Issues
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Search All Areas >Education Advocacy Groups * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Elder Abuse Prevention
Elder Abuse Prevention
Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of financial, emotional, physical and sexual abuse or intimidation of elderly people and dependent adults by members of their families or other caregivers through a variety of educational interventions which are aimed at the likely victims of abuse, potential perpetrators, people who work with families and/or the community at large.X
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Search All Areas >Elder Abuse Shelters
Elder Abuse Shelters
Programs that provide a safe, secure shelter environment for older adults who meet age requirements and are experiencing physical, psychological/emotional, financial or sexual abuse. Services generally include short-term housing, crisis intervention, support, advocacy, referrals and the necessities of daily living. Elder abuse shelters usually accept both men and women.X
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Search All Areas >Elder Abuse Support Groups
Elder Abuse Support Groups
Mutual support groups whose members are older adults or younger dependent adults who have experienced physical, sexual or emotional abuse or intimidation, unreasonable physical restraint, financial abuse or prolonged deprivation of food and water by their caregivers, children, grandchildren or other individuals who are sharing their homes or are responsible for their care in a residential/nursing facility. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and provide emotional support, information and resources to help participants recover from their experience.X
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Search All Areas >Elder Law
Elder Law
Programs that provide information and guidance for individuals who need assistance in the area of law which relates to the rights and needs of older adults, especially in the areas of age discrimination, consumer fraud, estate planning and management, living trusts, trust administration, probate, property law, retirement planning, pension benefits, Social Security benefits, Medicaid and Medicare, disability planning, long-term care alternatives, health care decisions, elder abuse, guardianships and conservatorships.X
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Search All Areas >Elder Law * African American Community
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Search All Areas >Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting
Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting
Programs that accept reports of elder/dependent adult abuse or neglect, assess the reports to determine whether they meet APS standards for intervention and submit those that do to Adult Protective Services workers for formal follow-up (or to other community service providers as appropriate).X
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Search All Areas >Elderly/Disabled Home Rental Listings
Elderly/Disabled Home Rental Listings
Programs that maintain lists of available rental housing for review by older adults and/or people with disabilities. These listings may include HUD Supportive Housing for the Elderly (Section 202), HUD Supportive Housing for People with Disabilities (Section 811), HUD Congregate Housing (Section 236) or other housing options for independent living specifically for these populations. Included is information that is available online, in print or in other formats.X
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Search All Areas >Electric Service Payment Assistance * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Electric Service Payment Assistance * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Endodontics * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Endodontics * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Evaluation for Assistive Technology * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Exercise Classes/Groups * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Exercise Classes/Groups * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >First Aid Instruction * Mental Health Issues
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Search All Areas >Food Stamps/SNAP * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Food Stamps/SNAP * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Food Vouchers * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Foster Parent/Family Recruitment * Developmental Issues
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Search All Areas >Gas Service Payment Assistance * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Gas Service Payment Assistance * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >General Crime Victim Assistance * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >General Crisis Intervention Hotlines * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >General Health Education Programs * Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Search All Areas >General Medical Equipment/Supplies Provision * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >General Recreational Activities/Sports * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >General Recreational Activities/Sports * Blindness
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Search All Areas >General Recreational Activities/Sports * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >General Recreational Activities/Sports * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >General Recreational Activities/Sports * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Genetic Testing and Screening * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Geriatric Assessment
Geriatric Assessment
Programs, generally staffed by an interdisciplinary team comprising a geriatrician, a nurse, a social worker and a pharmacist, that evaluate the functional ability, physical health, cognitive and mental health and socioenvironmental situation of older adults, particular those who are frail or chronically ill, to identify health-related problems, develop plans for treatment and follow-up, coordinate care, determine the need for long-term care, and ensure the optimal use of health care resources. Beneficial outcomes may include greater diagnostic accuracy, improved functional and mental status, reduced mortality, decreased use of nursing facilities and acute care hospitals and increased satisfaction with care.X
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Search All Areas >Geriatric Counseling
Geriatric Counseling
Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for older adults who are having mental, emotional or social adjustment problems that have arisen as a result of the process of aging. Geriatric counseling services are provided primarily by social services professionals including licensed social workers rather that psychiatrists or other medical personnel.X
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Search All Areas >Geriatric Dentistry
Geriatric Dentistry
Programs that specialize in providing care for the teeth and associated structures in the oral cavities of frail and/or medically compromised older adults who may have conditions such as Parkinson's disease, dementia, hypertension and diabetes.X
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Search All Areas >Geriatric Dentistry * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices * Disability Benefit Recipients
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Search All Areas >Grocery Ordering/Delivery * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Health Care Discrimination Assistance * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Health Insurance Market Appeals/Complaints * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Health Related Advocacy Groups * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Health Related Advocacy Groups * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Health Related Advocacy Groups * Hard of Hearing
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Search All Areas >Health/Disability Related Counseling * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Health/Disability Related Counseling * Huntington's Disease
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Search All Areas >Health/Disability Related Counseling * Parkinson's Disease
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Search All Areas >Health/Disability Related Social Clubs * Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Search All Areas >Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Amputations
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Search All Areas >Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Search All Areas >Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Hard of Hearing
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Search All Areas >Health/Disability Related Support Groups * Parkinson's Disease
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Search All Areas >Heating Fuel Payment Assistance * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Heating Fuel Payment Assistance * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Home Based Parenting Education * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Home Rehabilitation Programs * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Home Rehabilitation Programs * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs
Programs for individuals with developmental disabilities that focus on enabling the individual to attain his or her maximum functional level and which may serve to reinforce skills or lessons taught in school, therapy or other settings. Services may be provided in the individual's home or outside the home in community-based settings.X
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Search All Areas >Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Hospice Care
Hospice Care
Programs that provide a full range of supportive services for terminally ill individuals who are in the final stages of their illnesses and for their families. Services may include medical care, pain and symptom management, home nurse visitation, case management, emotional and spiritual support, and bereavement services for the patient and members of the family. Hospice care may be provided at home, in a freestanding hospice facility, a hospice unit of a hospital or in long-term care facilities such as nursing homes. In order to qualify for Medicaid or Medicare reimbursement, an individual must have a life threatening illness and must be certified by their physician to have entered the last six months of life.X
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Search All Areas >Housekeeping Assistance * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Housekeeping Assistance * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Housing Search Assistance * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Identification Cards * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Independent Living Skills Instruction * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Job Development * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Job Development * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Job Finding Assistance * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Job Training Formats * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Leadership Development * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Legal Counseling * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Life Skills Education * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Medicaid * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Medicaid * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Medical Care Expense Assistance * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Medical Equipment Expense Assistance * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Medical Equipment Expense Assistance * Speech Impairments
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Search All Areas >Mental Health Crisis Lines * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Mental Health Evaluation * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Mental Health Expense Assistance * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Mental Health Information/Education * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Mentoring Programs * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Non-Emergency Medical Transportation * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Non-Emergency Medical Transportation * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Nursing Facilities * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Nursing Facility Referrals * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Occupational Therapy * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Occupational/Professional Licensing and Certification * Mental Health Counselors
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Search All Areas >Older Adult/Disability Related Supportive Housing
Older Adult/Disability Related Supportive Housing
Residential facilities for older adults and/or people with disabilities who are unable to function in an independent living environment because they need assistance with toileting, bathing, dressing, medication management and administration, meals and housekeeping and other activities of daily living, but do not require nursing care on a regular basis. Living options range from state institutions for individuals with the most severe disabilities who require intensive services to settings that enable individuals with disabilities to live with their own families or in their own homes or apartments with supportive services from community-based supported living providers. Alternatives in between include health care facilities for people with a primary need for developmental services in combination with an intermittent need for skilled nursing care; community care facilities (residential care homes or group homes) for people who require varying levels of supervision and assistance in the activities of daily living; assisted living facilities; continuing care retirement communities; life care communities; foster family placements for adults who will benefit from interaction in a family environment; and semi-independent living facilities for individuals with disabilities who need minimal levels of support to live and work in the community. Some of these facilities are licensed by the state.X
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Search All Areas >Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Orthodontics * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Pain Management
Pain Management
Multidisciplinary programs that specialize in the treatment of individuals who have chronic, severe pain of organic origin that has not responded to medical or surgical therapy. Treatment is individualized and may include occupational therapy, muscle relaxation, behavior modification, stress management, biofeedback, psychological and psychosocial counseling, nutrition counseling, food allergy testing, exercise programs and a variety of physical intervention techniques including electrical stimulation of selected peripheral nerves and laser biostimulation.X
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Search All Areas >Parent Support Groups * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Parent/Child Activity Groups * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Parenting Helplines * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Parenting Materials * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Parenting Skills Classes * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Parenting Skills Classes * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Pediatrics * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Peer Counseling * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Periodontics * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Periodontics * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Personal Financial Counseling * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Physical Therapy * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Preschools * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Prescription Expense Assistance * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Prescription Expense Assistance * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Prescription Expense Assistance * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Property Tax Information * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Property Tax Information * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Property Tax Payment Assistance
Property Tax Payment Assistance
Programs that provide financial assistance to enable people to pay all or a portion of their property taxes with the objective of preventing them from becoming homeless. Property tax payment assistance programs may have age, income, disability, need or other eligibility requirements.X
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Search All Areas >Psychiatric Case Management * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Public Health Nursing * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Public Housing * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Public Housing * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Public Special Schools * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Public Special Schools * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Reading Services for People with Disabilities
Reading Services for People with Disabilities
Programs that provide people with visual impairments or other disabilities that limit their ability to read print material with access to recorded tapes, readings from current popular publications or a volunteer who reads for them. Included are radio reading services which offer programming that features highlights from national newspapers, articles from periodicals, or novels and other special interest reading material; telephone reading services which provide access to prerecorded material via touch-tone telephone; and programs that arrange for a call or visit by a volunteer reader.X
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Search All Areas >Recreation Related Expense Assistance * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Recreation Related Expense Assistance * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Rent Payment Assistance * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Rental Deposit Assistance * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Residential Placement Services for People with Disabilities
Residential Placement Services for People with Disabilities
Programs that maintain information about residential living options for people with disabilities including group homes, foster care, intermediate care, or semi-independent living residences, and link people who are looking for alternative living options with appropriate residential facilities.X
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Search All Areas >Respite Care Registries
Respite Care Registries
Programs that maintain lists of individuals or organizations which provide respite care services and link individuals or families who are in need of this service with appropriate resources.X
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Search All Areas >Respite Care Subsidies
Respite Care Subsidies
Programs that cover all or a portion of the cost of respite care in the home or in community settings/facilities in situations where family members, guardians or others who are the regular caregivers for dependent adults or children with disabilities need a brief period of rest or relief from their care giving responsibilities. Families generally select their own provider, negotiate their own rates and set their own schedules.X
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Search All Areas >Respite Care Subsidies * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Senior Advocacy Groups
Senior Advocacy Groups
Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights and interests of older adults.X
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Search All Areas >Senior Centers
Senior Centers
Multipurpose centers that serve as focal points for older adults in the community and which offer, at a single location, a wide variety of services and activities that are needed by and of interest to this population.X
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Search All Areas >Senior Centers * African American Community
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Search All Areas >Senior Centers * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Programs funded under Title V of the Older Americans Act (OAA) and administered by the U.S. Department of Labor whose purpose is to develop workforce skills in unemployed, low-income older adults age 55 and older with poor employment prospects. Program participants are assigned to paid community service placements with a non-profit organization or governmental entity for purposes of training and acquisition or improvement of skills that may lead to unsubsidized employment or a job that is not subsidized by the program. In collaboration with the participant, the program must develop an Individual Employment Plan, which outlines steps for achieving goals as determined through personal interviews and assessment instruments. Participants may be offered supportive services such as transportation, counseling, work equipment and other items to assist them in participating in the SCSEP and preparing them for a permanent job.X
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Search All Areas >Senior Corps Volunteer Programs
Senior Corps Volunteer Programs
A network of programs including Foster Grandparents, Senior Companions and RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) that tap the experience, skills and talents of older adults to meet community challenges. Senior Corp volunteers assist local nonprofits, public agencies, and faith-based organizations in carrying out their missions in all 50 states.X
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Search All Areas >Senior Housing Information and Referral
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Programs that maintain information about retirement residences, residential care facilities and nursing homes, and link older adults who are looking for alternative living options with appropriate independent or supervised living resources.X
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Search All Areas >Senior Housing Information and Referral * African American Community
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Search All Areas >Senior Ride Programs
Senior Ride Programs
Programs that provide door-to-door (or curb-to-curb) transportation for purposes of medical appointments, shopping, banking, social events, and other similar activities for older adults who need special accommodations and are unable to utilize other available means of transportation.X
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Search All Areas >Senior Ride Programs * African American Community
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Search All Areas >Service Animal Purchase Assistance
Service Animal Purchase Assistance
Programs that provide financial assistance to help people with disabilities obtain a dog guide, autism service animal, mobility assistance service animal, psychiatric service dog, seizure dog, signal dog or other type of animal who has been trained to provide specific forms of support. The assistance may help cover the purchase and transport of the animal, transportation for the new owner to travel for required training sessions (with a guardian or caregiver if necessary), as well as necessary accessories such as backpacks and harnesses.X
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Search All Areas >Service Animal Purchase Assistance * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Service Animals
Service Animals
Programs that provide and train recipients in the use of animals who have been taught to help individuals who have disabilities increase their mobility and independence and/or maximize their ability to communicate effectively.X
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Search All Areas >Service Animals * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Service Animals * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Special Olympics
Special Olympics
An international program of sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities which features a variety of sports and games. Children must be age eight or older to compete. Special Olympics events include alpine skiing, aquatics (swimming, diving, flotation races), athletics (running and track and field), badminton, basketball, bocce, bowling, cross country skiing, cycling, equestrian, figure skating, floor hockey, golf, gymnastics, powerlifting, roller skating, sailing, soccer, softball, speedskating, table tennis, team handball, tennis and volleyball. Included are organizations that sponsor, organize, hold, promote, sell tickets to and publicize the events; provide information about competition schedules; and/or maintain information about current standings.X
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Assistive Technology Issues
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Down Syndrome
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Mental Health Issues
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Older Adult/Aging Issues
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Search All Areas >Student Disability Services
Student Disability Services
Programs that provide special assistance and accommodations that support the ability of students with visual, hearing, physical, emotional, learning or other disabilities to achieve their academic goals and participate in, contribute to and benefit from the institution's programs, services and activities.X
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Search All Areas >Student Financial Aid * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Subject Specific Public Awareness/Education * Deafness
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Search All Areas >Suicide Prevention Hotlines * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Support Group Clearinghouses * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Talklines/Warmlines * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Transition Services for Students with Disabilities
Transition Services for Students with Disabilities
Programs that provide support for children with disabilities who are moving from one kind of program setting or service provision system to another. The common transition points include transitions from health services to education or vice versa, from preschool to kindergarten, from elementary school to middle school, from secondary school to adult life and from more restrictive to less restrictive settings.X
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Search All Areas >Transition Services for Students with Disabilities * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Transitional Housing/Shelter * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Transitional Mental Health Services * Children and Youth With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Transportation Passes * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Transportation Passes * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Tutoring Services * Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Search All Areas >Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Vocational Rehabilitation * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Walking Aids
Walking Aids
Programs that pay for or provide aids such as canes, single or double crutches, walkers or walkerettes for people who need a means of support while walking in order to be fully mobile.X
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Search All Areas >Wellness Programs * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Wellness Programs * People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Wheelchairs/Wheeled Mobility
Wheelchairs/Wheeled Mobility
Programs that provide special chairs with large wheels, some of which are power driven, that are used to transport patients or to provide increased mobility for people who are partially paralyzed or otherwise unable to walk. Also included are other types of personal wheeled transportation such as the Amigo.X
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Search All Areas >Workshops/Symposiums * Blindness
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Search All Areas >Workshops/Symposiums * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >Workshops/Symposiums * Older Adult/Aging Issues
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Search All Areas >Workshops/Symposiums * People with Chronic Illnesses
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Search All Areas >Yard Maintenance * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
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Search All Areas >Yard Maintenance * Older Adults
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Adolescent/Youth Counseling * Immigration Issues
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Search All Areas >Benefits and Services Assistance * Immigration Issues
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Search All Areas >Case/Care Management * Hispanic/Latino Community
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Search All Areas >Case/Care Management * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >Case/Care Management * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >Certificates/Forms Assistance * Immigration Issues
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Search All Areas >Endodontics * Disabilities Issues
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Search All Areas >English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language
Programs that offer opportunities for non-English-speaking and limited-English-speaking adults to learn listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with an emphasis on developing the level of communication competence that is essential for adults who are living in a setting in which English is the primary language. Also included are programs that provide English language instruction for younger people.X
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Search All Areas >English as a Second Language * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >Ethnic Advocacy Groups
Ethnic Advocacy Groups
Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights and interests of one or more specific ethnic groups.X
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Search All Areas >Eviction Prevention Assistance * Undocumented People
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Search All Areas >Exercise Classes/Groups * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >Exercise Classes/Groups * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >Family Counseling * Immigration Issues
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Search All Areas >Foreign Disaster Services
Foreign Disaster Services
Programs that facilitate the exchange of information and/or provide short-term assistance for people living in countries that have suffered injuries or incurred losses due to a major disaster or large-scale emergency that has disrupted the normal functioning of a community.X
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Search All Areas >GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >General Clothing Provision * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >General Clothing Provision * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >General Health Education Programs * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >General Health Education Programs * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >General Legal Aid * Immigration Issues
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Search All Areas >Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices * Immigration Issues
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Search All Areas >Group Counseling * Immigration Issues
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Search All Areas >Hate Crimes Reporting
Hate Crimes Reporting
Programs that provide a hotline, website or other mechanisms that the public can use to anonymously report information about the activities of individuals who have planned or committed acts of violence or intimidation against people on the basis of their real or perceived race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. Hate crimes have an impact that lingers, and extends beyond the specific victim. They make members of minority communities fearful, angry and suspicious, and raise tensions that can divide and polarize neighborhoods, towns and cities.X
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Search All Areas >Higher Education Awareness/Support Programs * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >Higher Education Awareness/Support Programs * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >Housing Search Assistance * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >Housing Search Assistance * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >Immigrant Rights Groups
Immigrant Rights Groups
Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures which protect the rights and interests of individuals who have newly arrived in the country or which govern the process by which individuals and families are granted permission to immigrate.X
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Search All Areas >Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Programs that provide comprehensive support services for immigrants and refugees who need assistance to prepare for, find and retain paid employment. Services may include vocational assessment, job search assistance, professional mentoring programs and other levels of initial and ongoing support. The emphasis is on preparing individuals for the expectations of employment in a new country and in particular, to obtain recognition for professional experience secured in another country and to obtain initial work experience in their new country.X
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Search All Areas >Immigration Detention Centers
Immigration Detention Centers
Facilities that are used to detain individuals entering the U.S.who either fail to establish identity, are deemed a danger to the public or are considered unlikely to appear for future immigration proceedings or removal. The detention is intended for a limited time until a hearing can be arranged. The facilities are under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (BICE) and are used to incarcerate non-citizens while removal proceedings are being completed and, in some cases, while asylum claims are being brought before the Immigration Court. BICE is part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).X
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Search All Areas >Immigration/Naturalization Adjudication Offices
Immigration/Naturalization Adjudication Offices
Organizations that administer the immigration and naturalization laws which relate to the admission of aliens, adjustment of status to lawful permanent residence, extension or change of nonimmigrant status, removal of aliens and naturalization of non-citizens; which provide information and guidance for people who want to permission to enter the United States; and/or which help interested parties become naturalized U.S. citizens.X
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Search All Areas >Immigration/Naturalization Adjudication Services
Immigration/Naturalization Adjudication Services
Programs that accept and make administrative decisions regarding immigration petitions and naturalization applications submitted by immigrants, nonimmigrant visa applicants, asylum seekers and lawful permanent residents who are seeking naturalization.X
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Search All Areas >Immigration/Naturalization Adjudication Services * Sexual Assault Issues
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Search All Areas >Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services
Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services
Programs that provide legal assistance for immigrants, nonimmigrant visa applicants, asylum seekers and lawful permanent residents who are seeking naturalization. Services are generally provided by nonprofit immigration law offices and may involve information and consultation about benefits under immigration law including procedures for obtaining student, visitor and employment-based visas; family immigration; asylee status; lawful permanent residence status; or citizenship.X
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Search All Areas >Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services * Cuban Community
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Search All Areas >Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services * Domestic Violence Issues
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Search All Areas >Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services * Haitian Community
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Search All Areas >Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services * Hispanic/Latino Community
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Search All Areas >Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services * Human Trafficking Issues
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Search All Areas >Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services * Sexual Assault Issues
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Search All Areas >Internet Information Resources * Immigration Issues
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Search All Areas >Job Finding Assistance * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >Language Interpretation
Language Interpretation
Programs that offer the services of trained bilingual individuals who are usually proficient in English and one or more foreign languages to help people whose command of English is inadequate to communicate their needs.X
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Search All Areas >Language Translation
Language Translation
Programs that offer the services of bilingual individuals who have reading and writing proficiency in the second language to transfer documents written in the second language into English or vice versa or to explain the meaning of documents written in English to people whose reading proficiency in English is inadequate, using that person's native language.X
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Search All Areas >Leadership Development * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >Medicaid * Undocumented People
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Search All Areas >Medicaid Information/Counseling * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >Medicaid Information/Counseling * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >Mental Health Evaluation * Immigration Issues
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Search All Areas >Mentoring Programs * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >Mentoring Programs * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >Multicultural Education
Multicultural Education
Programs that foster understanding, acceptance, empathy, and constructive and harmonious relations among people of diverse cultures. Multicultural education encourages learners of all ages to view different cultures as a source of learning and enrichment, promoting cultural understanding and cultural accommodations. The outcome of multicultural education should be an increased knowledge about other cultures, pride in a student's own heritage, an appreciation of other ways of life, and improved cross-cultural social and communication skills.X
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Search All Areas >Nutrition Education * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >Nutrition Education * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >Parent/Family Involvement in Education * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >Parenting Skills Classes * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >Parenting Skills Classes * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >Personal/Grooming Supplies * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >Personal/Grooming Supplies * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >Physician Referrals * Undocumented People
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Search All Areas >Prejob Guidance * Migrants
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Search All Areas >Preschools * Migrants
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Search All Areas >Refugee Resettlement Services
Refugee Resettlement Services
Government-appointed nonprofit organizations, frequently associated with the faith community, that provide resettlement services through a network of local affiliates for refugee populations designated by the U.S. Department of State. These organizations take the lead in helping newly arrived refugees or refugee families make an adjustment to their new home and community. Services provided by local affiliates may include reception for arriving refugees; provision of a "welcome kit" of immediate necessities; periodic visits with the family during the early days of their transition; collection and provision of household goods; cultural orientation and ESL classes; and assistance in locating housing and employment, using public transportation and identifying other needed services.X
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Search All Areas >Rent Payment Assistance * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >School Readiness Programs * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Immigration Issues
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Search All Areas >Student Counseling Services * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >Tenant Rights Information/Counseling * Undocumented People
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Search All Areas >WIOA Programs * Migrants
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Search All Areas >Youth Enrichment Programs * Immigrants
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Search All Areas >Youth Enrichment Programs * Refugees/Entrants/Asylees
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ+
Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups * LGBTQ2+ Individuals
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Search All Areas >Certificates/Forms Assistance * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Community Clinics * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >Conjoint Counseling * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >Domestic Violence Hotlines * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >Domestic Violence Support Groups * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >Family Counseling * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >Gender Identity Counseling
Gender Identity Counseling
Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for individuals whose gender identity is not in harmony with their birth assignment, and who may have a desire to change their biological sexual characteristics to conform physically with their perception of self and want to explore their options including hormone replacement therapy, gender transition and/or reassignment through surgery.X
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Search All Areas >General Clothing Provision * LGBTQ2+ Youth
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Search All Areas >General Clothing Provision * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >General Crisis Intervention Hotlines * LGBTQ2+ Individuals
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Search All Areas >General Crisis Intervention Hotlines * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >General Medical Care * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >HIV Testing * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >HIV Testing * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Holiday Gifts/Toys * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Identification Cards
Identification Cards
Programs that issue documentation that is designed to prove the identity of the person carrying it.X
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Search All Areas >Individual Counseling * AIDS/HIV Issues
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Search All Areas >Individual Counseling * LGBTQ2+ Individuals
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Search All Areas >Individual Counseling * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >Individual Counseling * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Internet Information Resources * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >Law Enforcement Complaints * LGBTQ2+ Individuals
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Search All Areas >Legal Information Services * AIDS/HIV Issues
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Search All Areas >Legal Information Services * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Advocacy Groups
LGBTQ2+ Advocacy Groups
Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights and interests of individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, or otherwise as part of the gender and sexually expansive community.X
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Advocacy Groups * Older Adult/Aging Issues
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Awareness Training
LGBTQ2+ Awareness Training
Programs that offer workshops, discussion groups and other types of training which introduce participants to key concepts and terminology pertaining to the gender and sexually expansive community including those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, or coming out, in order to promote greater understanding and awareness. Topics may include the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity and how these two aspects relate to one another and to race, culture and religion.X
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Community Centers
LGBTQ2+ Community Centers
Multipurpose centers that serve as a meeting place for people who identify as part of the gender and sexually expansive community that includes people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or two-spirit, to grow together, celebrate diversity and increase public understanding. The centers may offer community events, educational programs, counseling, support groups, library resources, recreational programs and other services that support LGBTQ2+ individuals and organizations.X
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Community Centers * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Helplines
LGBTQ2+ Helplines
Programs that provide immediate assistance for individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit or as part of other communities such as those in the process of coming out or questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity, and/or their friends and families. Included may be short-term emotional support, resources and community referrals. The service is generally free and confidential and may offer peer support. Helpline staff are generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text.X
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Helplines * LGBTQ2+ Youth
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Helplines * Older Adults
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Helplines * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Social Clubs
LGBTQ2+ Social Clubs
Organizations that provide an opportunity for people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning to meet and socialize through dances, parties, picnics, barbecues, pride events and other companionable activities. Some clubs may also offer lecture series which address topics of interest to the membership; provide opportunities for involvement in charitable fundraising and other similar activities; or be specifically configured for LGBTQ individuals with other characteristics e.g., gender questioning youth, Jewish lesbians, Catholic gays or people representative of a particular cultural heritage.X
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Support Groups
LGBTQ2+ Support Groups
Mutual support groups whose members identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit or as part of other communities such as those in the process of coming out or questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity. Groups may also be structured for parents, children, heterosexual partners or other relatives or significant others. The groups provide an opportunity for members to share their issues and concerns with others in a safe, supportive environment. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.X
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Support Groups * LGBTQ2+ Youth
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Support Groups * Parents of Teens
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Search All Areas >LGBTQ2+ Support Groups * Youth Issues
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Search All Areas >Medical Equipment Expense Assistance * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Mental Health Evaluation * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >Mentoring Programs * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >Obstetrics/Gynecology * LGBTQ2+ Individuals
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Search All Areas >Personal Health Care Advocate Services * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Personal/Grooming Supplies * LGBTQ2+ Youth
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Search All Areas >Physician Referrals * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >Physician Referrals * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Prescription Expense Assistance * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Records/Licenses/Permits Fee Payment Assistance * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >School Supplies * LGBTQ2+ Youth
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Search All Areas >Sexual Orientation Counseling
Sexual Orientation Counseling
Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for people who want to explore their sexual orientation in order to enable them to identify and feel comfortable with their orientation. Counseling and support may be offered in a variety of settings which may include individual and group counseling sessions and, if appropriate, conjoint and family counseling sessions with significant others.X
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Search All Areas >Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Abused Lesbians/Gay Individuals
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Abused Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Suicide Prevention Hotlines * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >Suicide Prevention Hotlines * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Talklines/Warmlines * LGBTQ2+ Individuals
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Search All Areas >Transgender Body Image Resources
Transgender Body Image Resources
Programs that facilitate the acquisition and safe use of devices and other apparatus that help transgender individuals present the physical characteristics of their identified or preferred gender. Included may be chest binders, breast forms, breast enhancers, shapewear, wigs or other hair pieces, gaffs, soft packers, hair growth formula and make-up.X
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Search All Areas >Transgender Hormone Therapy
Transgender Hormone Therapy
Programs that offer hormone replacement therapy for transgender individuals who are beginning the anatomical and psychological transition to another sex and gender. The therapy involves taking estrogen (for male-to-female transition) or testosterone (for female-to-male transition) before, during, and after the surgical transition. The purpose of hormone therapy is to change the physical appearance of the individual to look like the other sex and to feel comfortable. The feminizing effects of estrogen and the masculinizing effects of testosterone may appear after the first couple of doses, though it may be several years before a person is satisfactorily transitioned.X
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Search All Areas >Transgender Hormone Therapy * Children
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Search All Areas >Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance * LGBTQ2+ Individuals
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Search All Areas >Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Women's Health Centers * LGBTQ2+ Individuals
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Search All Areas >Re-Entry & Post Incarceration
Certificates/Forms Assistance * Ex-Offenders
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Search All Areas >Criminal History Records
Criminal History Records
Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to the cumulative record of occasions on which an individual has been arrested by a local or state police agency and convicted in a court of law of a felony or serious misdemeanor. Information included in an individual's criminal history record generally includes details regarding the arrest, the charges filed, the sentence imposed, the fine imposed and related probation, parole and release information. Court records are usually considered public records and are available without the individual's consent unless they have been sealed, as in the case of a minor. Although there is variability from state to state regarding what can be released, to whom and for what reasons, arrest records are not generally considered public records and are only made available to people other than law enforcement officials or the persons to whom the records pertain by statute or court order. In "open record" states, criminal record information, including arrest record data, is available to anyone who asks. Also included are programs that are responsible for investigating and correcting errors in the criminal history records of individuals who have had contact with law enforcement, the courts, correctional institutions, the probation system or other parts of the criminal justice system.X
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Search All Areas >Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Programs that provide assistance for people who want to submit a petition requesting that the court order the official and formal sealing or erasure of records related to a particular criminal case maintained by police agencies at all levels, the prosecuting attorney's office, the office of the clerk of the court and/or agencies that are part of the criminal correctional system. Most jurisdictions have laws that permit, even mandate, the sealing or expungement of juvenile records as well as statutes that relate to adult records and the conditions under which they may be cleared.X
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Search All Areas >Ex-Offender Counseling
Ex-Offender Counseling
Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for people who recently have been released from a correctional facility and are having difficulty coping with adjustment to life in the community.X
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Search All Areas >Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Programs that provide comprehensive support services for ex-offenders (also known as returning or returned citizens) who need assistance preparing for, finding and retaining paid employment. Services may include vocational assessment; guidance relating to resume preparation, job application letters and questionnaires, interview techniques, appropriate dress and personal-social behaviors that will allow them to get along with employers and co-workers on the job; job skills development support; job placement assistance; limited periods of subsidized employment, where necessary; and/or on-the-job support, as required, by a personal case manager who may visit the individual while at work, meet with the person's supervisor and/or co-workers and provide whatever assistance the ex-offender needs to meet the challenges of entering the workforce and retain his or her position.X
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Search All Areas >Ex-Offender Halfway Houses
Ex-Offender Halfway Houses
Community-based programs that provide congregate living arrangements and a wide variety of counseling and supportive services for ex-offenders (also known as returning citizens) who recently have been released from a correctional facility but who require a gradual transition from that highly structured and supervised way of a life to a relatively free and normal existence in the community.X
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Search All Areas >Ex-Offender Halfway Houses * Women
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Search All Areas >Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Programs that help people who have been released from a correctional facility (also known as returning citizens) make a successful transition to community life. Services generally include an assessment of the individual's needs, discussion of options and short-term case management involving coordination of needed services which may include housing location assistance, job training, job placement and retention services, legal assistance, literacy skills development, GED courses, parenting classes, life skills training, access to food and shelter resources, and other sources of support.X
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Search All Areas >Ex-Offender Reentry Programs * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Ex-Offender Reentry Programs * Women
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Search All Areas >Financial Literacy Training * Ex-Offenders
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Search All Areas >Home Based Parenting Education * Ex-Offenders
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Search All Areas >Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing * Ex-Offenders
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Search All Areas >Legal Counseling * Ex-Offenders
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Search All Areas >Navigator Programs * Ex-Offenders
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Search All Areas >Offender Registries/Community Notification
Offender Registries/Community Notification
Programs that seek to prevent released offenders, particularly those who are violent, from committing new crimes by requiring them to register with local law enforcement officials or other agencies; and/or or by authorizing or requiring that probation and parole departments, law enforcement agencies, or prosecutor offices disseminate information about released or about to be released offenders to the community at large, generally via newspapers, television, community meetings or posting lists of released offender names on the Internet. In most jurisdictions, community notification is reserved for sex offenders.X
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Search All Areas >Offender/Ex-Offender Support Groups
Offender/Ex-Offender Support Groups
Mutual support groups whose members are people who have been incarcerated in a correctional facility and are seeking support for their return to the community and their ability to remain crime-free. The groups allow participants (also known as returning or returned citizens) to share their experience, strengths and hopes; discuss strategies for avoiding substance abuse, gang involvement, or other criminal activity; and pursue a commitment to going back to school, finding and retaining a job and mending partner and family relationships. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.X
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Search All Areas >Opioid Antidote Distribution * Ex-Offenders
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Search All Areas >Parenting Skills Classes * Offender/Ex-Offender Issues
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Search All Areas >Parole
Programs that provide for the formal supervision of people who have been conditionally released from jail, prison or other confinement after serving part of the term for which they were sentenced based on the judgment of a parole board that there is a reasonable probability that they will live and remain at liberty without violating the law. People who are on parole remain in the legal custody of the state and may be reincarcerated if they violate the terms of their parole order.X
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Search All Areas >Parole * Juvenile Offenders
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Search All Areas >Prison Library Services
Prison Library Services
Programs that provide access to legal reference materials, current information on community services and resources, and religious, educational, and recreational reading material for inmates in correctional facilities. Access to legal reference materials can be accomplished by inclusion of pertinent volumes in a prison library, an agreement with a law library for circulation of books on a request basis, microfiche of legal materials and/or the use of lawyers, paralegals and/or law students to assist inmates in legal matters.X
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Search All Areas >Prisoner Locator Services
Prisoner Locator Services
Programs that provide assistance for people who want to identify the correctional facility in which a particular offender is incarcerated.X
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Search All Areas >Probation
Programs that provide for the formal supervision of individuals who have been convicted of a crime, usually a lesser offense, and given a suspended sentence which releases them into the community under specific conditions which may include a reduced term in a correctional facility, fines, restitution to the victim, community work, counseling, "good conduct" and other stipulations.X
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Search All Areas >Probation * Juvenile Offenders
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Search All Areas >Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities * Offender/Ex-Offender Issues
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Offender/Ex-Offender Issues
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Search All Areas >Substance Use Disorder Counseling * Ex-Offenders
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Search All Areas >Transitional Housing/Shelter * Ex-Offenders
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Search All Areas >Will Preparation Assistance
Will Preparation Assistance
Programs that provide assistance on an individual or group basis for people who want to draft a Last Will and Testament which leaves instructions for the disposition of their property following their death and need assistance in ensuring that the document is properly written. Also included are programs that provide copies of the Last Will and Testament form that is valid in their jurisdiction.X
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Search All Areas >Veterans & Military Service Members
Case/Care Management * Homeless Veterans
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Search All Areas >Case/Care Management * Veterans
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Search All Areas >Cavity Prevention Measures * Veterans
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Search All Areas >Military Donations/Relief Programs
Military Donations/Relief Programs
Programs that accept donations from the general public for the benefit of military personnel and their families or arrange for other supportive services during peace or wartime.X
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Search All Areas >Military Family Service/Support Centers
Military Family Service/Support Centers
Programs located at military installations throughout the world that handle inquiries from military personnel, retirees, reservists and their family members, do an assessment of their needs and refer them to sources of help available at the installation or in the local community. The centers may provide relocation assistance, transition assistance, family life programs (e.g., parenting, stress management), individual and family counseling, employment assistance, and financial management services as well as emergency assistance.X
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Search All Areas >Military Family Support Groups
Military Family Support Groups
Mutual support groups whose members are the spouses, children, parents, other relatives, boyfriends, girlfriends or friends of active duty military personnel who have needs, issues and problems that relate to the stresses of military life. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; help participants prepare for military mobilization or deployment; and allow them to share their experience, strengths and hopes to solve the problems they have in common and to address the quality of life issues that affect them all.X
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Search All Areas >Military Records
Military Records
Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide copies of documents which relate to an individual's association with any of the branches of the armed forces including the person’s current active military status and discharge, if appropriate. Also included are programs that are responsible for investigating and correcting errors in the records of individuals who have served in the armed forces.X
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Search All Areas >Military Transition Assistance Programs
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Programs that provide guidance and information regarding benefits, services and outplacement assistance for active duty separtees and retirees and their family members returning to civilian life with the objective of making the transition as smooth and stress-free as possible. Services may include benefits counseling, employment search and placement assistance, relocation services, financial planning assistance, eligibility information regarding medical and dental insurance coverage and other forms of assistance to facilitate adjustment to civilian life. Special employment transition assistance includes certification of job skills and experience; information about applying active duty job skills and experience to private sector employment; information about geographic areas of relocation including the labor market and cost of living; identification and location of employment and training opportunities; instruction in resume preparation, job analysis and interview techniques; and information about loans and grants to facilitate acquisition of employment. Also included are programs that help National Guard and Reserve personnel who have been activated for deployment resolve issues pertaining to duty requirements and employment benefits.X
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Search All Areas >Veteran Employment Programs
Veteran Employment Programs
Programs that provide resume preparation assistance, career counseling, vocational assessment, job development, job training, job search, job placement and/or other services for unemployed veterans who need assistance re-entering the workforce. Programs for homeless veterans may also provide supportive services such as clothing; access to temporary, transitional and permanent housing; referrals for medical and substance abuse treatment; and transportation assistance. Veteran employment programs may be configured for recently separated veterans, homeless veterans, veterans with service-connected disabilities and other special populations or may be broadly available to veterans in general.X
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Search All Areas >Veteran Employment Programs * Women's Issues
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Search All Areas >Veteran Homes
Veteran Homes
Programs that provide care on an ambulatory self-care basis for veterans who are limited by age or illness and are not in need of acute hospitalization or skilled nursing services in situations where care in a home setting is either not available or unsuitable.X
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Search All Areas >Veteran Outpatient Clinics
Veteran Outpatient Clinics
Outpatient medical facilities operated by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs that provide routine primary medical care for eligible veterans. Services generally include x-rays, general health check ups, blood pressure checks, treatment for basic illnesses and laboratory tests.X
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Search All Areas >Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for veterans who have emotional problems including post traumatic stress disorder relating to experiences in the service, or who are having other difficulties adjusting to their civilian status.X
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Search All Areas >Veteran Support Groups
Veteran Support Groups
Mutual support groups whose members were previously affiliated with one of the branches of the armed forces, their families and friends. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; may focus on former prisoners of war, veterans of specific wars, e.g., the Gulf War, women who are veterans or other specific veteran populations; and allow participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes and put their lives back together if they have been troubled by homelessness, disability, substance abuse, depression or other issues related to their service to the country.X
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Search All Areas >Veteran Support Groups * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Veteran Support Groups * Women's Issues
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Search All Areas >Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Programs administered by the Department of Defense (DoD) Health Affairs Office or the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs that provide health benefits coverage for eligible military personnel, eligible veterans and eligible dependents.X
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Search All Areas >Veteran/Military Hotlines
Veteran/Military Hotlines
Programs that provide confidential assistance for military personnel and veterans who are emotionally distressed with the objective of defusing the crisis, ensuring the person's safety and helping the person to take the next immediate steps toward resolving the problem. Trained staff are generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text. Most military/veteran hotlines are also available to family members who are concerned about a loved one.X
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Search All Areas >Indigenous & Native American
Adolescent/Youth Counseling * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Alternative Education * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Arts and Crafts Instruction * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Assessment for Substance Use Disorders * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Benefits and Services Assistance * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Business Development * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Camps * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Case/Care Management * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Cavity Prevention Measures * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Child Care Expense Assistance * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Childhood Immunization * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Children's Rights Groups * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Community Clinics * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Community Mental Health Agencies * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Community Shelters * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Comprehensive Family Law Services * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment * Hispanic/Latino Community
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Search All Areas >Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Conjoint Counseling * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Cultural Heritage Groups * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Cultural Heritage Programs * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Dance Instruction * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Dating Violence Prevention * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Dental Hygiene * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Dental Prosthodontics * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Dental Restoration * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Diabetes Screening * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Discounted Internet Service * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Domestic Violence Hotlines * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >DUI Offender Programs * Hispanic/Latino Community
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Search All Areas >Early Head Start * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Electric Service Payment Assistance * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Emergency Dental Care * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Endodontics * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Ethnic Advocacy Groups * Hispanic/Latino Community
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Search All Areas >Ethnic Oriented Multipurpose Centers * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Eye Screening * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Family Counseling * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Financial Literacy Training * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Foster Home Placement * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Foster Parent/Family Recruitment * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Gambling Addiction Counseling * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Gang Programs * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Gas Service Payment Assistance * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >General Crisis Intervention Hotlines * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >General Legal Aid * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >General Medical Care * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >General Physical Examinations * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >General Recreational Activities/Sports * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Geriatric Dentistry * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Group Counseling * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Head Start * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Heating Fuel Payment Assistance * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Higher Education Awareness/Support Programs * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >HIV Testing * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Home Delivered Meals * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Home Purchase/Construction Financing/Refinancing * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Homeless Motel Vouchers * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >HPV Immunizations * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >HUD Approved Counseling Agencies * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Indian Health Service Clinics
Indian Health Service Clinics
Health centers, health stations and other outpatient facilities operated by the Indian Health Service that provide ambulatory medical care, preventive and outpatient rehabilitation services for members of federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes.X
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Search All Areas >Individual Counseling * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Individual Development Accounts * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Integrated Physical/Mental Health Services * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Intensive Family Reunification Services * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Law Enforcement Complaints * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Life Skills Education * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Mental Health Evaluation * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Mental Health Information/Education * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Mobile Dental Care * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Moving Expense Assistance * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Native American General Assistance
Native American General Assistance
Programs administered by the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs or state or local entities that provide financial assistance and a variety of social services to meet the basic needs of eligible American Indians living on or near reservations or in other urban or rural settings.X
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Search All Areas >Native American/Tribal Law
Native American/Tribal Law
Programs that provide assistance for Native Americans who need legal advice or representation regarding federal recognition, treaty rights, fishing and hunting rights, environmental protection, reservation boundaries, land acquisition, land and water rights, Indian gaming, housing, health, taxation or jurisdictional questions. Attorneys who practice in this area are concerned with the treaties, statutes, executive orders, court decisions and administrative actions that define the relationship among the United States, Indian tribes and individuals, and the states. Native American law attorneys are found in federal government bodies such as the Bureau of Indian Affairs and The Indian Claims Commission, which hears and determines claims against the United States on behalf of any Indian tribe. Private law firms also have lawyers who specialize in matters relating to Indian lands and reservations, tribal rights and other legal issues affecting Native Americans. Specific Indian tribes, which are recognized as sovereign entities with the power to regulate their internal and social organization, have lawyers who may be members of the tribe themselves, and/or lawyers who are hired as "general counsel" to handle the legal affairs of their tribe. Public service agencies also serve the Native American community with lawyers who specialize in the Indian Child Welfare Act, and others who serve children, people who are elderly, or indigent members of the Native American community.X
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Search All Areas >Navigator Programs * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Nutrition Education * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Orthodontics * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Outreach Programs * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Pap Tests * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Parent Counseling * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Parent/Child Activity Groups * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Parent/Family Involvement in Education * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Parenting Materials * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Parenting Skills Classes * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Pediatric Dentistry * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Pediatric Developmental Screening * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Periodontics * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Prejob Guidance * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Psychiatric Medication Services * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Rent Payment Assistance * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Rental Application Fee Payment Assistance * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Rental Deposit Assistance * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Sewer Service Payment Assistance * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Sexual Assault Hotlines * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Sexual Assault Prevention * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Substance Use Disorder Counseling * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Substance Use Disorder Referrals * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Team Sports/Leagues * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Therapy Referrals * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Transitional Housing/Shelter * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Tribal Council Offices
Tribal Council Offices
Offices that serve as administrative centers for the governing body of Native American tribes or association of tribes. Tribal councils are generally formed along regional, ethnic or linguistic lines; and most function as a legislative body with an elected or appointed chairman who has an executive role.X
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Search All Areas >Tribal Offices of Emergency Services
Tribal Offices of Emergency Services
Tribal government offices that have primary responsibility for the coordination of emergency management activities including planning, preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation; and which serve as the central point of contact for receiving reports of incidents that occur within their jurisdiction and for disseminating emergency-related information.X
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Search All Areas >Tutoring Services * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Vaccine Information * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Water Service Payment Assistance * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Wellness Programs * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Youth Employment Programs * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Youth Enrichment Programs * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Migrant & Seasonal Farmworkers
Career Counseling * Migrants
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Search All Areas >Career Counseling * Seasonal Workers
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Search All Areas >Community Shelters * Agricultural Laborers
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Search All Areas >Domestic Violence Motel Vouchers * Agricultural Laborers
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Search All Areas >Early Head Start * Migrants
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Search All Areas >Electric Service Payment Assistance * Agricultural Laborers
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Search All Areas >Eviction Prevention Assistance * Agricultural Laborers
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Search All Areas >Gas Service Payment Assistance * Agricultural Laborers
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Search All Areas >General Legal Aid * Migrants
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Search All Areas >Head Start * Migrants
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Search All Areas >Homeless Motel Vouchers * Agricultural Laborers
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Search All Areas >Job Finding Assistance * Migrants
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Search All Areas >Job Finding Assistance * Seasonal Workers
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Search All Areas >Job Training Formats * Migrants
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Search All Areas >Job Training Formats * Seasonal Workers
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Search All Areas >Migrant Education Programs
Migrant Education Programs
Programs that provide formal supplementary learning activities and experiences for school age children who travel with their families from one temporary residence to another to enable family members to secure temporary or seasonable employment.X
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Search All Areas >Prejob Guidance * Migrants
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Search All Areas >Prejob Guidance * Seasonal Workers
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Search All Areas >Rent Payment Assistance * Agricultural Laborers
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Search All Areas >Rental Application Fee Payment Assistance * Agricultural Laborers
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Search All Areas >Rental Deposit Assistance * Agricultural Laborers
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Search All Areas >Water Service Payment Assistance * Agricultural Laborers
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Search All Areas >WIOA Programs * Migrants
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Search All Areas >WIOA Programs * Seasonal Workers
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Search All Areas >Living with HIV/AIDS
AIDS/HIV Clinics
AIDS/HIV Clinics
Programs that provide comprehensive medical services on an inpatient or outpatient basis for people who have symptomatic or asymptomatic HIV infections or a clinical AIDS diagnosis. An HIV diagnosis follows a reactive test for the HIV virus; however, a diagnosis of AIDS is given by a physician only if an individual's CD4 cell count is below 200 or if the individual develops certain opportunistic infections. Given that effective treatment is available for individuals who have been diagnosed with HIV, it is likely that someone who is adherent to treatment will never receive an AIDS diagnosis.X
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Search All Areas >AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Programs that provide counseling services for individuals at risk for contracting or transmitting the HIV virus with the objective of supporting their ability to make behavior changes that will reduce their risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV. Counseling involves a personal risk assessment, development of a personalized action plan and the decision to seek an HIV test. Individuals who have a history of injection drug use, sex with a person with HIV/AIDS, sex with a man who has sex with other men, sex with an injection drug user, a sexually transmitted disease, or exchanging money or drugs for sex are considered to be at high or increased risk and are targets for prevention counseling.X
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Search All Areas >AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >Alternative Medicine * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Bedding/Linen * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Camps * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Case/Care Management * AIDS/HIV Issues
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Search All Areas >Cavity Prevention Measures * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Cleaning Products * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Dental Care Expense Assistance * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Dental Care Referrals * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Dental Hygiene * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Dental Prosthodontics * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Disease/Disability Information * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Electric Service Payment Assistance * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Emergency Dental Care * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Endodontics * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Eviction Prevention Assistance * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Food Pantries * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >General Clothing Provision * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >General Dentistry * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >General Recreational Activities/Sports * AIDS/HIV Issues
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Search All Areas >Hair and Nail Care * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Health Insurance Premium Assistance * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Health Spa Complaints
Health Spa Complaints
Programs that accept and, where possible, attempt to resolve complaints regarding fee or contract disputes, quality of service, unethical or improper conduct of personnel or other business practices of health spas.X
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Search All Areas >Health/Disability Related Counseling * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Health/Disability Related Support Groups * AIDS/HIV Issues
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Search All Areas >HIV Testing
HIV Testing
Programs that offer HIV tests which are used to identify individuals who have been infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and are at risk for developing AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) or which are used to measure progression of the disease in people known to be infected. The most common HIV screening test is the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) which most frequently uses peripheral blood drawn from the arm or a finger as a sample, but can also be conducted using serum, oral fluids or urine. Repeatedly reactive EIA tests are confirmed using the Western blot or the immunofluorescence assay (IFA). The most common test that is used to measure disease progression is the PCR (polymeraise chain reaction) or viral load test. Many programs that provide HIV testing also provide pre-testing and post-test counseling which includes information about AIDS/HIV, reducing risks for HIV transmission, emotional support to help the individual deal with the testing process and test results, and information about and referral to other AIDS-related services.X
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Search All Areas >HIV Testing * LGBTQ2+ Issues
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Search All Areas >HIV Testing * Native American Community
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Search All Areas >HIV Testing * Transgender Individuals
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Search All Areas >Home Delivered Meals * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Housing Search Assistance * AIDS/HIV Issues
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Search All Areas >Independent Living Skills Instruction * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Individual Counseling * AIDS/HIV Issues
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Search All Areas >Kitchenware * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Laundry Facilities * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Legal Information Services * AIDS/HIV Issues
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Search All Areas >Life Skills Education * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Medical Care Expense Assistance * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Mental Health Evaluation * AIDS/HIV Issues
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Search All Areas >Mortgage Payment Assistance * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Navigator Programs * AIDS/HIV Issues
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Search All Areas >Non-Emergency Medical Transportation * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Nursing Facilities * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Pediatric Dentistry * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Periodontics * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Personal/Grooming Supplies * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Pet Food * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Physician Referrals * AIDS/HIV Issues
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Search All Areas >Podiatry/Foot Care * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Prescription Expense Assistance * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Public Internet Access Sites * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Public Showers/Baths * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Rent Payment Assistance * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Rental Deposit Assistance * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Small Kitchen Appliances * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Special Care Dentistry * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Specialized Information and Referral * AIDS/HIV Issues
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Search All Areas >Telephone Facilities * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Temporary Mailing Address * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Tenant Readiness Education Programs * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Transitional Housing/Shelter * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >Transportation Passes * AIDS/HIV
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Search All Areas >