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Works to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. Both the national and chapter offices field reports of hate crimes, harassment, and other forms of discrimination related to being Muslim.

Issues action alerts to generate grassroots responses to political, social, and media-related issues. Various CAIR publications, including an annual civil rights report, are available online. CAIR and its chapters regularly sponsor voter registration drives across the country to increase Muslim participation in the political arena.

Organizes conferences and seminars about Islam and Muslims for government and law enforcement agencies, media professionals, and the academic community. Diversity training workshops are offered for employers, educators, and organizations.
453 New Jersey Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20003
Eligibility: Unrestricted
Hours: Hours vary
Works to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. Both the national and chapter offices field reports of hate crimes, harassment, and other forms of discrimination related to being Muslim.

Issues action alerts to generate grassroots responses to political, social, and media-related issues. Various CAIR publications, including an annual civil rights report, are available online. CAIR and its chapters regularly sponsor voter registration drives across the country to increase Muslim participation in the political arena.

Organizes conferences and seminars about Islam and Muslims for government and law enforcement agencies, media professionals, and the academic community. Diversity training workshops are offered for employers, educators, and organizations.
Eligibility: Unrestricted
Hours: Hours vary

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