211info provides information and referrals to more than 1,000 food resources across Oregon and Southwest Washington, including food pantries, farmers markets, community gardens, fresh food distribution, and summer food programs for youth.

Thanks to a partnership with Oregon Department of Human Services and the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, we have an in-house Oregon SNAP (food stamps) Advocate and can assist with the Washington Basic Food application.

To find out what food programs you might be eligible for or to speak with our Food Stamps Advocate, call 211 or 866-698-6155. You can also text your zip code to 898211 (TXT211) or email [email protected].

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Nondiscrimination Statement.

SNAP/Food Stamps
Benefits and Services Assistance * Food Stamps/SNAP Recipients
Community Supported Agriculture * Food Stamps/SNAP Recipients
Farmers Markets * Food Stamps/SNAP Recipients
Food Stamps/SNAP
Food Stamps/SNAP * Adults With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Food Stamps/SNAP * Domestic Violence Issues
Food Stamps/SNAP * Older Adults
Food Stamps/SNAP * Veterans
Food Stamps/SNAP Fraud Reporting
Fresh Food * Food Stamps/SNAP Recipients
Specialized Information and Referral * Food Stamps/SNAP Recipients
Food Pantries
Emergency Food Clearinghouses
Food Pantries
Food Pantries * African American Community
Food Pantries * AIDS/HIV
Food Pantries * At Risk Youth
Food Pantries * Hispanic/Latino Community
Food Pantries * Homeless Families
Food Pantries * Homeless Youth
Food Pantries * Mental Health Issues
Food Pantries * Seasonal Workers
Fresh Food
Community Gardening
Farmers Markets
Farmers Markets * Food Stamps/SNAP Recipients
Food Cooperatives
Food Vouchers
Food Vouchers * Older Adults
Fresh Food
Grocery Ordering/Delivery
Grocery Ordering/Delivery * African American Community
Grocery Ordering/Delivery * Older Adults
Hot Meals/Sack Lunches
Community Meals
Community Meals * At Risk Youth
Community Meals * Homeless Men
Community Meals * Homeless Youth
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites * AIDS/HIV
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites * Chronic/Severe Mental Illness
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites * Hispanic/Latino Community
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites * Native American Community
Youth After School/Summer Meals
After School Meal Programs
School Lunches/Snacks
Summer Food Service Programs